Monday, March 2, 2009

And In the Beginning

Hello family and friends this could be the beginning of something interesting. So as most of you know we are pregnant and we are now 14 weeks along. Karalee and I had some scary times early on as we had some tears that cause bleeding and she was put on bed rest for two weeks. However the condition healed on its own, and now things are looking well. Last week we went in for an ultrasound to rule out the possiblity of our new little one having the same condition we ran into last year. So excited and nervous we met with the ultrasound tech and stared intently at the little screen as all the fuzziness turned into our beautiful little baby. With a side profile view of our baby we could clearly see a full skull on screen that put smiles on both of our faces. Little hands and feet were also evident and added to our excitement and enthusiasm. However strategically crossed legs prevented any possibility of early determination as to what we are having. So we will of course have to wait until our next visit and as always we will keep everyone updated. We appreciate all the love and support that all of you are showing us and can't wait to keep you updated on our lives and developments. Hopefully photos will follow soon.


Kristen said...

yay for bloggy fun! I'm glad that things are going well!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Tell Karalee that I said hi!